break even stripping ratio example for coal mining

Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining

break even stripping ratio example for coal mining

Coal Resource Availability, Recoverability, and Economic . For example, the current maximum depth for underground coal mining is . between an analysis using a break-even economic hurdle and inclusion of at least 1 or 2 percent profit to technically meet the definition of reserves is minor, especially for evaluations extensive, very thick, low stripping ratio resources in the PRB.

break even stripping ratio example for coal mining

What Is a Stripping Ratio? (with picture) Mar 03, 2019· The stripping ratio is commonly used in the ore and coal mining process For example, if the mining company must extract one part of ore to three and a half parts of waste in order to break even, it stands to reason that the company will seek to look for mining sites where it can extract at least one part of ore to two and a half parts....

Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining

Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining The various stripping ratios that are used in surface mining are the following 1. stripping ratio Cumulative average stripping ratio Overall Stripping ratio Incremental stripping ratio Break even stripping ratio BESR In case of coal deposits,. Get Price. Whatever your requirements, you ll find the perfect service-oriented solution to match ...

Break Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining

2018-11-8This ratio is usually referred to as the break-even stripping ratio 20 or bottom stripping ratio 10. This stripping ratio indicates the point where it is uneconomical to remove ore considering the amount of waste this necessitates in removing. Acid Mine Drainage Break …

break even stripping ratio example for coal mining

penentuan break even stripping ratio - naanandcurrych. Break-even stripping ratio | Britannica In coal mining: Contour strip mining If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering Get price.

Breakeven stripping ratio

break even stripping ratio example for coal mining. break even stripping ratio example for coal mining Coal mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The goal of coal mining is to obtain coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and, since the 1880s, has been widely used to generate ele.HistoryMethods of .

Stripping ratio and pit limit - Basic Mining …

The overall stripping ratio (average stripping ratio), the maximum allowable stripping (break even stripping ratio), and the instantaneous stripping ratio (incremental stripping ratio). Fig1. Section of a proposed pit . The units for stripping ratios can vary and usually depends on the geological properties of the deposit and the commodity mined. It can be expressed in tonnes (t), or cubic ...

what is stripping ratio coal mining

The Coal Area Strip Mine Formula • Strip Ratio OB Thickness in ft 1111 Coal thickness in inches – Assumes coal is 80 lbsft3 good for bituminous – Area Strip Mine Geometry – Geologic Stripping Ratio – no accounting for rehandle or less than 100 coal recovery Your Turn • Use What You Have Learned About Calculating Stripping Ratios for Strip Mines and Break Even Limits to Determine ...

Influence Of Striping Ratio On Open Cast Coal …

Influence Of Striping Ratio On Open Cast Coal Mining. Aug 31, 2012 switch to underground mining if your stripping ratio is more than besr. environmental impact of the coal industry wikipedia, the free this process is known as acid rock drainage or acid mine drainage. if the coal is strip in response to negative land effects of coal mining and the abundance of strip ratio

Break Even Analysis - How to Calculate the Cut …

For conducting a mining project’s break even analysis, you first need to know about the operational expenses (OPEX).When the OPEX is known, you can calculate the mineral’s cut off grade, which is the break even grade, below which it is not economically viable to mine the ore.To find out how I come up with the cost price per tonne (OPEX) if a feasibility study isn’t available, I refer you ...

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are …

At their most basic, strip ratios can be calculated by dividing overburden thickness by ore thickness. For example, an overburden thickness of 100 meters and an ore thickness of 50 meters would...

Break-even stripping ratio | Britannica

In coal mining: Contour strip mining. If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering.

ratio jaw reduction ratio mining strip ratio of …

Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Posts Related to what is stripping ratio coal mining PEW series Jaw crusher features big crushing ratio, Inquire Now; what is the crushing ratio size reduction ratio. what are the disadvantages strip mining mining cost jaw crusher of crushing ration 4 6 Mining amp What is the crushing ratio (size reduction ratio)? Inquire Now; typical crusher ...

What Is a Stripping Ratio? (with picture)

09.05.2020 · The stripping ratio is important due to the fact that it helps a mining company assess a mining site in order to determine the profitability before committing any resources to the mining process. A way of describing the concept of stripping ratio is by looking at it in terms of the level at which the mining process will cease to be profitable. For example, if the mining company must extract one part of ore to three …

Stripping ratio - Wikipedia

In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material) required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore. For example, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one tonne of ore will require mining three tonnes of waste rock.

Determining Stripping Ratio - Basic Mining …

Break-even Stripping Ration The maximum allowable Stripping Ratio (SR max) defines break even stripping ratio (BESR). This represents the highest possible units of waste that can be handled. If the SR exceeds the BESR then the operation will be uneconomical as the income generated by the ore is insufficient to offset the costs incurred in mining.

Lecture 4 Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area …

Stripping Ratio determines relative amounts of each to be moved If coal generates a $5/ton earning and overburden costs 45 cents per cubic yard to move what is the maximum economic stripping ratio $5.00/ 0.45 = just over 11 cubic yards per ton Called a Break Even Stripping Ratio

(PDF) Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade ...

Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade Optimization

Stripping ratio | mining | Britannica

Other articles where Stripping ratio is discussed: coal mining: Choosing a mining method: …calculated with the aid of stripping ratios, which represent the amount of waste material that must be removed to extract a given amount of coal. Stripping ratios can also consider the selling price of coal, and a certain minimum profit can be added to the total cost of producing and…

How to calculate stripping ratio? - ResearchGate

For instance: If the thickness waste rock (overburden) is 100m and the thickness of coal is 50m then stripping ratio would be 2:1. That means one m3 (cubic meter) of coal would need mining two m3 ...

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